Anchors & Mechanical Advantages
Study Resources

These are study materials, videos, graphics for our students to access to review the various skills sets to construct simple & compound mechanical advantage systems, as well as, single & multi-point anchor systems and improvised and commercial portable artificial high directional and picket systems.

Mechanical Advantages

1:1 MAS

1:1 MAS

2:1 MAS

3:1 In-Line MAS

3:1 Piggy-Back MAS

4:1 Block & Tackle MAS

4:1 Compound System MAS

4:1 Simple System MAS

Various MAS

Various MAS

Calculating MAS Using the

6:1 Simple MAS

9:1 Compound MAS

6:1 Compound MAS

Timber & Ladder Primitive Rigging Reference Guides

OSFM Rigging Videos